Saturday, July 18, 2009

135 Gallon In-Wall Tank Build

Well, after taking almost a 2 year hiatus from the hobby, I've finally succumb to my saltwater affliction, once again. This has got to be one of the most addictive hobbies, and I'm not a habitual person. My previous tank was a 40 gallon reef, and unfortunately, it did not survive the move from my old apartment to my new home. It was a frustrating time, hence, the 1 year hiatus. However, I knew that I would eventually come back to the hobby.

Anyways, on with the build.

I always wanted to have a 6-foot tank but the apartment I lived in could not support the weight. Now that I'm in a house, I'm able to do so. I went with the following:

135 Gallon Main Tank
55 Gallon Sump
3 * 250w MH
4 * 96w Actinic VHO

It will be in the basement and sit in my Home Office, built into the wall, and will give me a clear view into my Den. As of now, my plans are for an SPS reef tank, along with many variations of zoanthids and acans littering the bottom of the tank.

Also, I owe a big thanks to Pat Bitonti, Kat Purdy, and TJ Regala for helping me during the build... thanks, guys.

This is the wall, from the Den, where the tank will be framed.

Here is the hole in the wall from my Office.  Man, the wife is gonna' kill me, hahaha.

Now, let's build the stand.  Thanks for the help, Pat!  Hey, is that Susan folding laundry?!

Here's a view from the Den.  Ethan is intrigued!

Here is the tank, now in place, with the frame partially built.

The tank, upon entering the office. With a third of it sitting in the wall, it doesn't take up that much space.

Let's add some aragonite.  

Ethan is helping to smooth it out.

Now for some live rock and water.  Off to Ottawa for a few weeks, and when I get back, the tank should be cycled.

Back from Ottawa, I realized I need more room to fit the lights so I opened up the frame a bit more.

Da Wife was starting to get annoyed with the hole in the wall on the Family Room side, so I had to pretty it up a little with some crown moulding. The dog seems to approve.

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