Saturday, September 7, 2013

New Fish - Potter's Angelfish and Bicolor Blenny

A Potter's Angelfish was added to the community.  It's about 2.5" in size and seems to be fairly healthy, as its quite active.  Initially, it was being harassed by the Purple Tang and the Goldbar Maroon Clownfish, however, they've seemed to get over it quickly as they don't seem to bother with him anymore.

Potter's Angelfish

Potter's Angelfish and Gold Bar Maroon Clownfish

Potter's Angelfish with Yellow and Purple Tangs

As well, a Bicolor Blenny was added to the community.  He's not as busy as the Potter's Angelfish, however, he has lot's of personality and spends his time perching on the rock.  He's still a bit shy, but here he is:

Bicolor Blenny - Playing Peek-A-Boo

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